Wouldn’t you love God to write a Neverthless in your biography ?

The just crowned king of Israel has his eye on Jerusalem. The people need, not just
a strong leader, but strong headquaters. The king and his men went to Jerusalem
aganist the Jebusites , the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David saying ” You
shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame will repel you ”

Granted, the city was old, the walls were difficult . The voices were discourging
…… Nevertheless David took the strong hold. David turns a deaf ear to old voices.
Those mockers strutting on the wall tops ? David ignores them. He dismisses their
words and goes about his work.

Why listen to the mockers ? Why heed their voices ? Why give ear to pea-brains and
scoffs when you can, with the same ear, listen to the voices of God ? Do what David
did. Turn deaf ear to old voices. And, as you do, open your eyes to new choices.

When everyone else saw walls, David saw tunnels. The wall were too tall, so he tried
the tunnel .Others focused on the obivious. David searched for the unusual. Since he
did what no one expected, he achieved what no one imagined. Get creative with your
problem solving.

If the wall is too tall, try a tunnel. David found fresh hope in a hole outside the
Jerusalem walls. So Can you !