STOP! Think for a moment!

Forgetting God when earthly possessions multiply is not new. The children of Israel faced this temptation when they entered the Promised Land. Moses cautioned them ahead of time that this temptation would come.

He added another powerful warning later in this passage when he cautioned them that they would be tempted to say in their hearts “my power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth ” Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened.

What happened shouldn’t surprise us. It is a human tendency that has been verified throughout human history. We can become so wrapped up in the material side of life that we lose spiritual perspective. Money can quickly become an end in itself rather than a means to godly ends.

How could this be? The fact is, it took only one generation for degeneration to take place. But stop and think for a moment. Do you realize that this is exactly what happening in our society?