Why God is taking you through different routes before he brings you to the final road of Success ?

All your plans may seem to be shattered and every door may seem to be closed, but you will be greatly blessed as you wait on the Lord. In your trials you may cry out to the lord wondering when the night of your difficulty will pass and the morning of blessing will appear , but god promises to bless those who wait on Him.

There had been many things that had happened to Joseph, and some had seemed totally unrelated to others. But when he was called to stand before Pharaoh , everything suddenly began to fit together. God had been carefully watching over and training His man for the task He had chosen for him and had caused him to dream about.

Now after 13 years of waiting amid great trials and many temptations , joseph suddenly began to see why God had worked in such ways in his life. All along , he has known that God was faithful , but now he began to see the expression of God’s faithfulness, and he saw more links fit into the marvelous chain of events.

Let the God of Joseph speak to you if you are going through any stage of this molding process !

God bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to so many across the globe.