esus Himself suddenly came and began walking with them.

That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus Himself suddenly came and began walking with them.

…..Luke 24:13-15 (New Living Translation)

My Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, how infinitely patient You have been with me! I was rebellious against You. I was lost and destined for destruction. There was no hope. I was on a road to nowhere. But You came looking for me when I was not even looking for You. You drew me close to You by Your love and opened my eyes to see the truth. You spoke to me through the living Word of God. You have given me a heart that burns for You. I want to grow closer to You. I am still well short of what You want me to be. You know everything about me. I lay at Your feet my weakness, shortcomings and everything. Mould me and use me according to Your will. I thank You with all my heart for the constant sweet communion You have with me. It’s soothing to remember that when my heart is troubled and worried ,I am not alone. You are right there walking along side with me. Please don’t let me grieve You or the Holy Spirit through my actions, words or thoughts. Help me to live in the power of Your Holy Spirit today and all the days of my life bringing glory to Your matchless name. Amen

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