Battle Verse For Terrorist Attacks

In my index card system, I have 100 of the best battle verses pulled from the Bible. These battle verses tell us how God can protect us from attacks from our enemies – whether it be from humans or demons.

As a result of the terrorist attack that hit our country on 9/11, we are all going to be stuck with having to keep our radars up for any further attacks. With the mindset of these radical terrorists, they can strike us anywhere, anytime and at anyplace.

Some of you already know how to Plead the Blood of Jesus over the main areas of your life they want you want God’s maximum protection on. In my opinion, Pleading the Blood of Jesus as an offensive weapon is the most powerful form of offensive prayer you can us to get God’s maximum protection on you.

However, I did find in my battle verse system one rather long powerful verse that really shows how God the Father can protect His own from heavy attacks from the enemy. I’m going to go ahead and give you this verse in this article, as it will help give you knowledge that God can and will protect His own.

However, to get God’s protection on you, there is something that you have to do on your end – and that something is to “pray it on you.” You have to “plead” the Blood of Jesus in order to get God to protect you and you have to pray some of these other battle verses on you in order to move God to want to protect you.

Many Christians do not get this type of divine protection on them because they have either never specifically asked God to do it for them or they have never “pled” the blood or “prayed” the battle verses on them to get God to activate His protection on them.

The Bible says in James 4:2: “Yet you do not have because you do not ask.” In other words, if you don’t ask God to do something specific for you, then He may not do it for you because you simply have not asked Him to do it. Sometimes it is literally that simple!

For those of you who may be afraid of what may be coming down the road – really grab a hold of this powerful battle verse. This verse is very specific in that it will show you that God can give you His maximum protection right in the middle of a war zone.