Do you want to learn some key strategies to explosive Growth ?

Let us learn some key strategy from the life of St. Paul who was a
master of explosive growth. He dedicated himself to people and activities that would impact the world. His time was very limited, but his influence seemed limitless. And his actions changed the world around him.

The strategy and examples Paul used is as effective today as it was two thousand years ago.

1. A good Professional/CEO should be like a dedicated soldier.

First, soldiers are focused on the priority of their work; they don’t
entangle themselves in affairs that will distract them from the battle they are fighting. The Second quality is their desire to please their leader. That implies a deep loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice.

2. A good Professional/CEO should be like an Athlete.

Paul stated that ” if anyone competes in Athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules “. The two characteristics he was highlighting were integrity and discipline. People without integrity won’t play by the rules. And people without discipline can’t win by the rules. It takes both qualities.

3. A good Professional/CEO should be like a hardworking farmer.

Farmers are up before the sun, work until they are exhausted. Farmers are patient too. There’s no instant gratification when you work the land. Farmers work unconditionally , then wait for the harvest.

Paul also asking us to select the right people to be developed in our organisation. If they are unable to lead and to be effective on their own, you will never be able to achieve explosive growth.

Have a great weekend !