He has put His Spirit in our hearts, this is the first part of what we are to receive.

“He has put His Spirit in our hearts. This is the first part of what we are to receive, and it proves that we will receive all God has promised.”

—–2 Corinthians 1:20 (Worldwide English Bible)

Abba Father, we are not moved by what we see or what we feel. We believe in You completely.By faith, we appropriate to our life every promise from Your word—the promise of Your constant care for us,Your unfailing faithfulness toward us, Your all sufficient grace to face any kind of situation in our life,Your eternal love for us,Your abiding presence in our life,Your adequate supply for all our needs,Your promise of peace and rest in our life, promise of forgiveness and cleansing from sins when we confess our sins,Your promise of strength, healing, wisdom,comfort, guidance and most of all the promise of the second coming of Jesus Christ to take us from this ever detoriating world system.We proclaim that Your promises are “yes and amen”. Faith is alive and working well in our life, and by faith we receive all that You have done for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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