I being in the way, Jehovah hath led me.

Genesis 24:27b (Young’s Literal Translation)

Abba Father, it’s very comforting to know that when I set out in obedience and faith, You will be right there with me guiding me and giving me Your grace from moment to moment to be victorious and triumphant. As I become available to You and as You work in me to make me accomplish every good thing You have planned for me, let me carry with me a most real sense of Your power and glory. Yahweh, Give me this day a very vivid sense that You are by my side. Without Your help, I cannot do anything. From the first engagement to the last one I get involved in today, let me experience Your hand in everything. You know that I feel so lost and scared, if I don’t feel Your presence by my side. Let me in all things obey Your will. Through the grace of Jesus Christ my Lord, I say this prayer. Thank You for listening to me and granting my prayer. Amen.

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