When the going gets tough do you stick your head in the sand or do you fly toward the light?

The King Solomon, who was the first naturalist, ” the way of the bird in the air ” was one of the stock mysteries for men to wonder over.

Eagles are majestic and their eyes are steely & their vision is precise. They can see the speck on a rabbit’s tail from a mile away. They are among nature’s greatest hunters. Their feathers are pristine and magical, When faced with challenges, such as being chased by other birds, they fly directly toward the sun. Their pursuers fall away because they can’t tolerate the light, but eagles thrive on it as they soar higher and higher.

Ostriches , on the other hand, always have a bewildered look in their eyes as if they just woke up to a new world this morning, and when faced with a challenge they stick their head in the sand trying to ignore it until it goes away. To top it off, ostriches are birds that can’t fly, even though it has great wings— but………………. yet does not fly.

Which does your life resemble? Are you an ostrich or an eagle? Do you wake up to a new world each morning or do you have your eyes focused firmly on the future? When the going gets tough do you stick your head in the sand of devil or do you fly toward the light of God ?

The Eagle Awards are the exact opposite of the Ostrich Awards, but unfortunately, the Eagles are outnumbered. Hopefully, that will change soon. Today so— many have the wings of a fair profession— but yet do not
use them to mount upward in spiritual affections, and a heavenly life.

Let God speak to as you start a new week of opportunities!

God bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to so many across the globe.