I will rejoice in Your mercy and exalt and praise Your Holy Name, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forever

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”

—-Psalm 42:7 (New International Version)

Dearest Abba, Father,the troubles like mighty waves are upon me. I am defeated and greatly distressed at its roar. Yahweh , You are my guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me every transgression which I have committed to this day and deliver me from every devices of my enemy and adversary. I entreat Your divine helping grace, and endow me with patience and strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Your Will. You know my misery and suffering and to You, my only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort. I trust that these troubles I am having now are ordained by You to create in a greater depth so that I can experience depth of Your love , care and power. I understand also that if I remain shallows without going through any trials I will never be able to know the depth of my faith in You. I count for joy all the troubles I am having now because through it all I will be experiencing You in new ways that I never would have before. I also believe that You are the mighty Lord of the storm who comes to save at the right time. You will speak Your powerful word, to rebuke and silence the wind and the waves of the troubles in my life.You will reach down from on high to rescue me from the depths bringing me to a safe place. Your grace and love will sweep over me like mighty waves and I will be experiencing the joy unimaginable praising Your loving kindness and authority over everything. I will rejoice in Your mercy and exalt and praise Your Holy Name, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forever. In the strong name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

(10 Posts)

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