Are we still clinging to our ‘five loaves and two fishes’ ?

Are we still clinging to our ‘five loaves and two fishes ?

The disciples suggested to Jesus that He should send the hungry crowd away to find food and lodging for the night. They certainly didn’t expect the Lord’s response ” you give them something to eat ” .

Jesus indirectly telling them that ” give what you have ” we are not expect to give what we don’t have ,but we are expected to give ! God can do wonders with our ” five loaves and two fishes ” why don’t we see more of the spiritual and physical needs around us being met? May be its because we aren’t giving all that we have !

Are we like the little boy who gave his whole lunch to the Lord of multiplication? or Are we are holding out by giving two or three loaves and keeping the rest for ourselves? What about our time and abilities ? What about our goals for the future?

Remember that the little boy was too hungry, just like the rest of the multitude, and remember that he had no idea what the Lord would do with his lunch, or that he would end up getting as much as he wanted to eat. He was not forced to give anything ,but he willingly gave his whole tiffin carrier /lunch box. Are we still clinging to our ‘five loaves and two fishes’ to meet our own needs and wants?

God bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to so many across the globe