It is that mysterious word turns an average person into an outstanding individual. It makes an old person young, and without it a young person becomes old. It is the hidden spring of endless energy. It is that beautiful force that carries us from mediocrity to excellence. It turns on a bright light in a dull face until the eyes sparkle and the personality brightens with joy.
It is the spiritual magnet that attracts helpful and happy people to become our fruitful friends. It is the joyful emotional fountain that bubbles up, attracting persons to come to our side and drink from the joy that rises out of our heart. It is the happy song of a positive person who sings an inspiring message to the world: “I can! It’s possible! We’ll do it. ”
How do we explain this mountain-melting power? How can we get it? The word comes from two Greek words, “en” and “Theos”.
If we translate “Enthusiasm ” means ” in God ” or ” IN -SPIRITED ”
Will your life fill with God Spirit and all kinds of power break forth for His glory?