How we influence others?

Human influential power is much bigger than any other living things in this world, Human to Human and Human to other creatures in this world.

But I am talking about the deserved importance of “influential power”. There are bad behaviors and good behaviors, negative attitude and positive attitude, good culture and bad culture, good thoughts and bad thoughts, good life and bad life. All these are based on what we developed from our past.

“I love all people”, but I hate their behavior, life, attitude, culture, thoughts. By the fruit we hate or love a person. The influential power in human being is a very powerful weapon which can construct or destruct. Live a life which constructs and produces good fruits in lives.

Please take your time, think for a while, how you are influencing your surroundings?
You may think who I am to influence others? I am not a celebrity! I am not a politician!
But I tell you, you are a celebrity and you are a politician. There are some special characters in all persons which is seriously influential, that the person may unaware of. A simple example is; sometimes you are attracted by your friends and try to follow it, may be the dressing, the way of doing something, behavior, and the things he/she buys. By the same way your good qualities and bad qualities are being watched by your society, friends and relatives, you are such a superman or superwoman, you are seriously influencing them every movement.

There are some characters buried in you by your birth and your surroundings, which matches with others. Why we like some persons and we hate some? Whom we like may be a hate person to others! Some attracting factors may attract person to person. Many people around you “who likes you and your character” and this is your responsibility to turn the people for producing good fruits in their life, and you are answerable for it!

Give yourself influenced by your savior Jesus Christ. And you will become the right influential person for your society.

(63 Posts)