And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6 (English Standard Version)
Dearest Abba, Father, I thank You for Your continued work in me to make me in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Thank you for all of the opportunities and trials you give me. Thank you for Your everlasting love that You have for me, giving me infinite chances during this life to get things right and align my will with yours, meeting me where I am at and leading me ever closer to you. Thank you for my sure salvation through Your grace. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. Father I thank you for all that you have given me on this earth—- the ministry, family, health, friends, job and everything else. Lord Jesus, I thank you for all that you have changed in my heart. I thank You for where I am today and what I am in You. I thank You for the fact that I am an unfinished work, that in You, I grow daily. Continue to change me in to the man You want me to be. Please fill my heart with a love for You, a trust in you, forgiveness, agape love, and the joy of truly knowing You. Let everything I do and say bring glory to Your mighty name. Please be my constant companion and talk with me as You used to talk to Moses. Yahweh- Adonai, bless me according to Your riches in glory Christ Jesus so that I can become such a blessing to others who are struggling. It is in the name of Jesus I pray – amen