Father, Inspire me to transform my career into a calling from You.

I therefore the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. With all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering……

——-Ephesians 4:1-2(King James Version)

Dearest Abba, Father, Inspire me to transform my career into a calling from You. My job’s indeed a precious gift from You. Help me do my job diligently so that Your honor is not sullied. As a child of God I am surrounded by many witnesses. Help me to be the epitome of hard work, honesty and integrity so that others may inspire by it and glorify Your name. Give me the insight to think in new ways, the confidence to trust my instincts, the humility to learn from those who are wiser and more experienced. Help me to communicate well. Help me to connect with people well so that they will go out of their way to help me complete my assignments. May I find the courage to stand up for what I believe. Remind me, Yahweh – Adonai, to treat always my colleagues with patience, kindness, and respect. Help me to keep myself away from all kinds of office politics. Prevent my mouth from making any negative comment about anybody in his/her absence. Shield me from gossips and wicked plans of people. When my bosses look at me, let him/her see me as You see me. When my bosses and my colleagues think about me, let them think as You think about me. Establish me at my workplace and give me a lot of upward mobility to the amazement of people so that they may see Your hand in everything I am involved in. Most of all, I pray that the way I go about my business at my workplace be a reflection of Your will. Help me represent You well before the people I am dealing with every day. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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