Whether a man’s destiny is determined by his bank account ?

“It was the same as happened in the days of Lot; they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building;”

Did you notice what changed in the days of Lot compared to Noah ?

Men were buying, selling, planting and building. Economic enterprise took center stage.

Sodom was not destroyed solely for its immorality. Sodom was condemned because they refused to share God’s goodness with the poor. Its moral failure was far deeper than sex. It was a failure of vision.

Civilization graduated from Noah to Lot. It moved from physical needs to commercial endeavors. But its spiritual appetite did not improve.

Today men are consumed with the Lot syndrome. Money trumps everything. In this world, a man’s destiny is determined by his bank account.

Like in the days of Lot, God reminds us, men thought the economic engine was their salvation. But death came anyway. When we forget that our abundance/blessings has heavenly purposes, we live in Sodom, even if we claim to be moral.