How can we turn our fear of failures into success?

In Jesus’s Parable of the talents, the servant receiving one talent said, ” Master ……..I know that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talents in the ground ”

Here the servant’s fear caused him to do nothing with the talent he had been given , and as a result he produced nothing.

Today many leaders and mangers fear change, innovation, and creative ideas because of the risk involved. There is always the possibility the creative idea might fail and the group or organization might experiences loss or harm. This fear presents a constant temptation to settle for what has been tried and proven in the past.

The parable of the talents provides a vivid examples of the role willingness to risk plays in productivity and success. Two of the servants risked failure in order to succeed. Ironically, the one servant unwilling to risk possible failure precisely because he was not willing to risk.

Let the heaven speak to you as you are beginning this month full of opportunities.