Do you believe everything happens as per the Divine plan ?

A dedicated christian business couple who Specialized in tent making – Aquila and Priscilla – forced to leave Rome,as they were loyal to the order of their earthly Sovereign and moved to Ephesus via Corinth , for them it meant financial disaster because every Roman soldier carried a tent on his back when on a campaign, and Rome was the great center for the Roman army.

Perhaps their is someone reading this mail who has been forced to move from their friends, well wishers, church, town,village or city to another place. You think God has forgotten you. It is not so.

This was the time we read Paul is led to Aquila and Priscilla’s place of business for he, like them, was a tent maker by trade, this godly relation made a deep impression on Paul’s mind . Here they earned more money and had a large business – room consecrated for worship, because there were no public places of worship for Christians. It was here the Ephesian Christians gathered , here that Timothy learned more of Christ and here that Apollos, the great scholar and orator from Alexandra was taught the gospel by this godly couple.

Paul said of them ” not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them ” Let the example of God’s dealings with this couple be a starlight of encouragement to you.