Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed?

I sat alone, because Your hand was upon me, for you had filled me with indignation. Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Will You be to me like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail?

Jeremiah 15:17-18 (English Standard Version)

Dearest Abba, Father, I am hurting badly. Though I appear to be smiling, You can see that my heart is weeping. I feel so empty. Why am I so alone? Yahweh, I know that You are always right here with me. But I don’t feel You. Are You really with me ? Or is it so that Your promise not to forsake or leave is not meant for me? Abba, teach me to believe in Your power to revive me, to return me to abundant life, to hope and most importantly draw me close to You. Resurrect my weary spirit. Help me to embrace life once more in joy, in passion and in peace. When my faith falters, shelter me with Your loving presence. Give me the strength and enthusiasm to live the life to the fullest. Help me realize that my life is worth living in spite of all the disappointments and hurt because Your Son Jesus Christ lives and He lives right inside me feeling the pain I am experiencing. I believe that You will make all things beautiful concerning me in Your perfect time. Until that time comes let me rest in You and hide under Your wings. Father, it’s hurting. Hold me close to You so that all my pain may melt away in the warmth of Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

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